Christoph Fuhrhans
About this training
We offer the complete 40-hour basic curriculum for Schema Therapy Individual Certification, including all elements that are part of the official ISST training list.
Participants will receive 25 hours of didactic training and 15 hours of dyadic role-playing and exercises for a total of 40 hours.
Format: 5 x 2 halfdays (evening/next morning) - easy to integrate into your daily work!
The curriculum
In the first part, you will receive a thorough introduction to schema theory and the case conceptualization of Schema Therapy. We will commence with how everything in Schema Therapy is organised around the central role of basic emotional needs. You will learn how repeated negative or positive parenting behaviours lead to the development of negative or positive schemas as complexity reduction patterns. The 18 maladaptive schemas of the schema model will be defined, explained, and demonstrated. You will get the difference between schema and schema coping, understand the relationship between schemas and schema modes, and learn how to practically distinguish between the different modes of the schema mode model. Further you will experience the "power of imagination" and learn when and how to use imagery work and imagery rescripting, mode dialogues and schema dialogues on chairs, and how to utilise cognitive techniques specific to schema therapy. Another important role will be played by the special therapeutic relationship in Schema Therapy ("limited reparenting") and its use as a central tool for change. In particular, you will learn how to use empathic confrontation as an effective instrument for overcoming even the most difficult forms of coping. Finally, you will receive practical advice on how to employ Schema Therapy with specific client populations, such as those with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Cluster C Personality Disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Avoidant Disorder, Dependent Disorder).
Special Features
This course places special emphasis on resilience and positive schemas/modes. We will learn about the 14 positive schemas, the "7 dimensions of good (re-)parenting" and the positive modes (Contented/Happy Child, Vital Child and Healthy Adult). You will practically learn how to build, implement and intensify positive schemas to balance the deconstruction of negative schemas and how to strengthen the Healthy Adult mode. The different stages of therapy and the formulation of a treatment plan are explained step by step. You will have an excessive chance to exercise in small supervised groups in breakout rooms.
Our basic model
Our basic schematherapeutic model is organised around two central dimensions: Autonomy and Attachment/Connection. While the basic emotional needs for attachment and autonomy are anchored in the Happy Child mode (as Contented Child and Vital Child submodes) and, when sufficiently satisfied, are realised in the development of positive schemas, their persistent frustration leads to maladaptive schemas resp. the coping modes of surrender/subjugation (pseudo-connectedness) or overcompensation/dominance (pseudo-autonomy).
Additionally a plethora of reading material, case conceptualization forms, questionnaires including rating tools and homework material will be provided to the participants.
Time and format:
We are going to offer a special format that consists of 10 halfdays (of 4 hours each), Thursday evening/Friday morning, 2 halfday-packs, once monthly, over 5 months, so that in January 2024 you will have finished your training.
The dates and topics are:
12./13.09.2024: Introduction into Schema Therapy, Maladaptive Schemas
24./25.10.2024: Schema Modes; Positive Schemas and Modes Mode Work: Imagery Work
12./13.12.2024: Mode Work: Chairwork
30./31.01.2025: Limited Reparenting, Empathic Confrontation, Special Populations
Time Schedule is:
Thursday: 4:0 pm – 5:30 pm, 5:45 – 7:0 pm, 7:15 – 8:30 pm (CET)
Fridays: 09:00 am – 10:30 am, 10:45 –, Lunchbreak, 12:45 – 2pm (CET)
ISST "A-Countries": 1580.- Euro
ISST "B-Countries”: 750.- Euro
1580 Euro
Participants from ISST-"B-contries" will pay a reduced price of 750.- Euro
About the Presenter:
Christoph Fuhrhans, Switzerland/Germany
Christoph Fuhrhans studied medicine, philosophy, art history, and comparative literature in Kiel, Vienna, and Berlin. Since 2008, he has been an ISST-certified Schema Therapist, Schema Therapy Trainer, and Supervisor.
Christoph is the founder and leader of the "Schema Therapy Institute Eastern Switzerland" (2010) and the founder (2012) of the Swiss Schema Therapy Society. He has delivered numerous international presentations and trainings, and has been the leader of the Schema Therapy certification training programs in Palestine (since 2018), Egypt (since 2020), and Tunisia (since 2022).
Christoph's areas of major interest include psychotherapy, cultural sciences, the current developments of psychotherapy (especially trauma therapy), and Schema Therapy in cultural diversity. He resides in Winterthur, Switzerland, and works in his private practice.