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Our Trainer

  • Briedis janis

    Janis Briedis

    Principal Practitioner Psychologist, Director of Schema Therapy School, London, UK. Counselling Psychologist, Schema Therapy Supervisor and Trainer working in private practice in London and having worked in a complex case service in the NHS for over a decade. He has completed a two-year programme in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and is also a trained CBT, EMDR and compassion-focussed therapist working with complex cases. Janis has taught Schema Therapy, CBT, trauma-focussed approaches and mindfulness in the NHS as well as in the academic setting, and is a visiting lecturer at a number of universities in the UK

  • David edwards

    David Edwards

    Dave Edwards, Professor at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, is the founder and director of the "Schema Therapy Institute South Africa (STISA)" and has been the president of the ISST.

    He has an extensive research and publication history - his research and areas of interest include the history of imaginative psychotherapy methods, working with various rooted imagination techniques, and the empirical significance of qualitative research and single-case analysis.

    Dave Edwards is an Advanced Schema Therapist and Trainer (ISST)

  • Fuhrhans christoph

    Christoph Fuhrhans

    Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

    Studied in Kiel, Vienna, and Berlin; medical practice in Bernburg/Saale and Berlin, 2003 - 2012 Chief Physician of a Psychotherapy Ward with (certified) DBT Program and Schema Therapy Program in Littenheid/Switzerland. 2013-2015 Medical Director for Education and Therapy Development at Clienia Littenheid AG.

    Since 2015 established in private practice in Wil/SG

    DBT Trainer (DDBT) and founding member of various DBT networks in Germany and Switzerland. Since 2008 Advanced Schema Therapist. Director of the Institute for Schema Therapy Eastern Switzerland (ISTOS) and Past and Vice President of the "Schema Therapy Network Switzerland" (STNS); 2014/2015 Vice President of the ISST.

    Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor, and Group Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor (ISST).

  • Hadinia anousha

    Anousha Hadinia

    Anousha is a Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer in Schema Therapy. She is experienced at working with diverse individuals. Her international and professional background enables her to develop individual strategies for each of her clients. She was trained in systemic family and couples therapy in Zurich and in Schematherapy in New York. She also received the training in group Schematherapy and completed further trainings in supervision. She is the founder of modernpsy in basel and works with families, couples and individuals. She also regularly offers workshops and supervision in Schematherapy for individuals, groups and clinical institutions.

  • Hug florian

    Florian Hug

    Certified Psychologist for Psychotherapy FSP / MASPT

    Born in 1974 in St. Gallen. After stays abroad in Sweden and England, he studied Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychopathology in Bern from 1996 to 2002.

    From 2003 to 2007, he completed a postgraduate psychotherapy training in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy with an interpersonal focus (K. Grawe).

    From 2006 to 2010, he worked at Clienia Littenheid AG, Pünt North Station for young adults. Specialties: DBT- and Schema-Therapy oriented treatments.

    From 2010 to 2012: Psychiatric Services Aargau (PDAG) Since 2010, he has been working in private practice in Zurich.

    Since 2011, he has been a schema therapy trainer and supervisor (ISST).

    From 2013 to 01/2018: Therapeutic Director of the Pünt North Station for young adults, Clienia Littenheid AG, Center for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

    Since 2017, he has been practicing at the Florian Hug practice, offering schema therapy services in individual or couples therapy, supervision, and self-experience in individual or group settings.

  • Dr. alp karaosmanoğlu foto

    Alp Karaosmanoglu

    Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist

    Founder of PsikoNET Publishing and Training Center.

    ISST certified advanced level schema therapist and trainer.

    He works as a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist in Istanbul.

    He is also the owner of PsikoNET Publications which publishes many international best selling books in Turkish about schema therapy. PsikoNET organized the ISST Conference held in Istanbul, in June 2014 which brought recognized names of the field together.

    Dr. Alp Karaosmanoğlu is also the writer of the books 

    • „Relationships: Starting, Maintenance Ending"
    •  „Something Bad Will Happen: Fear and Conscience"
    •  „I Want It All, I Want It Now; A New Approach For Entitlement And Impulsiveness 

    He continues certification programs in Turkey and abroad.


  • Kellog neu

    Scott Kellogg

    Professor at New York University/Department of Psychology, Research Director of the Cognitive Therapy Center New York; Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor.

    2002 Founding member of the Schema Therapy Research Network in the USA. 

    Special area of focus: Implementation and further development of the "Chairwork Technique" in schema therapy.

    Research focus areas: Alcohol and drug addiction, psychometrics.

    Numerous memberships, awards and publications.

    Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor (ISST).

  • Roza laious

    Roza Laious

    Clinical Psychologist, University of Athens, Greece.

    Roza is Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Certified Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer (ISST).

    Her clinical and psychotherapeutic work includes schema-based psychoeducational groups for children and parents based on her PhD research program, individual psychotherapy for children/adolescents and adults. 

    Moreover she is scientific associate & trainer in the training program module CBT for children & adolescents, Department of Child and Adolescent Therapy of the Institute of Behavioral and Research Therapy, Athens.

    Schema Therapy trainer and supervisor (ISST)

  • Katja molnar

    Katja Molnar

    Katja Molnar is a licensed psychologist for psychotherapy FSP in private practice and delegated practice in Neuchâtel. She studied psychology in Bern, and from 2002-2009 completed specialized training in cognitive-behavioral therapy for children and adolescents in Fribourg. Since 2014, she has been a supervisor and trainer for schema therapy as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy (SGVT). She is a member of the scientific advisory board/commission member and trainer at the CEPUSPP (CHUV in Lausanne) and at the University of Lausanne (CAS-MAS for cognitive-behavioral therapy). Since the academic year 2015/16, she has been the initiator for the establishment of a Western Swiss Institute for Schema Therapy.

    Professional experience in the public-institutional, forensic and freelance environments, working with children, adolescents and adults.

  • Poppinger

    Marina Poppinger

    Marina is the current President of the Swiss Schema Therapy Network. Since January 2016, she has been leading the Schema Therapy Curriculum in Basel and is active as a trainer and supervisor. Furthermore, she has completed additional training in Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Schema Therapy for Couples. She works as a Schema Therapist in private practice in Basel.

  • Liat ravon 4 5

    Liat Ravon

    Liat is a Danish psychologist (MA) with specialization in psychodrama / theater science and psychology.

    She also is a certified hypnotherapist and and NLP master.

    Starting from Tel Aviv University (BA), she studied with many internationally famous psychodramatists, and is currently combining independent clinical work with leading psychodrama groups and courses. She gives international presentations and trainings and is planning to start a Scandinavian Psychodrama Education Program from February 2024.

  • Roedinger

    Eckhard Roediger

    Born in 1959 in Frankfurt am Main, married, 3 children, studied medicine, received medical license and doctorate in 1986, trained as a neurologist and psychiatrist.

    From 1993 to 2002, he was the Medical Director of the Salus Clinic in Friedrichsdorf, from 2002 to 2007 he built up and led the Psychosomatic Department at the Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe in Berlin, since then he has been in private practice in Frankfurt am Main. In 2008, he founded and directed the Institute for Schema Therapy Frankfurt (IST-F) and was a member of the founding board of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST).

    Many years member of the ISST Executive Board in different functions (president, secretary), numerous publications.

  • Simpson susan web

    Susan Simpson

    Dr. Susan Simpson is a Clinical Psychologist who has specialised in Schema Therapy for complex eating disorders over the past 20 years. She currently works in an NHS outpatient eating disorders unit in Scotland. She also runs the only ISST-accredited Schema Therapy training program in Scotland. She regularly runs Schema Therapy workshops through Schema Therapy Scotland and Schema Therapy Training Australia. She is part of an international research group which is currently investigating the effectiveness of Schema Therapy for eating disorders. She has published several research papers on the schema therapy model applied to a range of clinical populations, and has presented her findings at national and international conferences. She is currently co-authoring the first book on Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders, which will be published by Routledge in 2020.  A full list of her publications can be found at

  • Elsa van den broek

    Elsa van den Broek

    Trained dramatherapist with a special interest and experience in treating forensic psychiatric patients (with personality disorders/psychopathy).
    Integrated dramatherapy and schematherapy when she started her forensic work around 2000. She was trained by Truus Kersten/Hannie van Genderen, and supervised by David Bernstein.

    She collaborated in the DVD serie “Schematherapy- working with modes” with David Bernstein & Remco van der Wijngaart.

    Elsa van den Broek works in a Forensic Psychiatric Centre ‘de Rooyse Wissel’ in Oostrum/the Netherlands, and teaches at HAN University of Applied Sciences, IVPS institute, Arts therapies department in Nijmegen/the Netherlands. She teaches at RINO Amsterdam yearly 4 day courses in Schematherapie & Arts Therapies. She is member of the board of the Dutch Vereniging voor Schematherapie ( )

    Master of Dramatherapy (MDth) since 2006, senior registered dramatherapist (Register Vaktherapie), senior registered schematherapeutic worker (Register Schematherapie)

  • Remco

    Remco van der Wijngaart

    Education as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist with a specialization in the treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and somatoform disorders.

    From 1996 to 2000, further training and supervision in schema therapy with Jeffrey Young. In 2009, training in schema therapy for groups with Joan Farrell and Ida Shaw. In 2006, training in the treatment of Cluster C personality disorders with Jeffrey Young.

    Since 2000, intensive workshop and supervision activities in the Netherlands and Europe. In collaboration with David Bernstein, workshops on forensic patients and a joint edition of many DVDs and working materials on

    Remco van der Wijngaart works as a psychotherapist in an outpatient clinic in Maastricht, Netherlands and has been Vice President of the ISST.

    Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor (ISST).

  • Weber thomas

    Thomas Weber

    Certified Psychologist for Psychotherapy FSP (Swiss Federation of Psychologists)

    Behavioral Therapist SGVT (Swiss Society for Behavior Therapy)

    Studied psychology at the University of Zurich and completed postgraduate psychotherapy training at the Academy for Behavior Therapy and Methods Integration AIM. Psychotherapeutic practice since 2003, self-employed psychotherapist since 2008. Further training in schema therapy at the UPK Basel.

    Focus areas: Psychotherapy for adults and couples with a cognitive-behavioral and schema-therapeutic focus. Outpatient schema-therapeutic group therapy for borderline patients, member of the SGVT (Swiss Society for Behavior Therapy) further education commission.

    Schema Therapy Trainer and Supervisor (ISST)

  • Jeffreyyoung

    Jeffrey Young

    Jeffrey Young is the founder and developer of schema therapy, director of the Schema Therapy Institute New York, and professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University.

    After earning his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania, he worked with Aaron Beck and led the research and training division at the Center for Cognitive Therapy.

    For over 30 years, he has been conducting international training programs on cognitive therapy and schema therapy, and has received the NEEI Mental Health Educator of the Year Award for his impressive teaching style.

    He has written the standard reference "Schema Therapy - A Practitioner's Guide" as well as numerous other publications, and is the honorary president of the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST).